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7 Insanely Expensive Things That People Actually Ever Bought. No. 4 Will Break Ur Heart

Feb 16

7 Insanely Expensive Things That People Actually Ever Bought. No. 4 Will Break Ur Heart

Being rich comes with so many crazy ideas - crazy enough it can make all others not in your status to think where exactly it went wrong.

Craziness may entail thinking of some freakish things to spend your riches on, and when the ideas aren't coming as fast as you want them to, you end up jumping to the next available crazy idea, like having to buy one single feather for 10grands.

However, believe it or not, these expensive things are real and I bet you would not be able to hide your astonishment! It’s like, it almost hurts to look at them, considering your present situation?.

Well Let me know how you feel and what you think, once you are done with the list.

1. Extinct Huia Bird feather

Yeah! You read it right

2. 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO

Till date, this remains the most expensive car to be auctioned in the history of car auctions!

3. Graff Pink

Umm... is this really worth it? Well, it was bought by diamond dealer Laurence Graff, of Graff Diamonds who named it Graff Pink.

4. Black Diamond Nail Polish

This nail polish still stands as the most expensive nail polish ever. Well, I'd rather cut off my fingers... I think it's better that way.

5. Heintzman Crystal Piano

The crystal body piano was built and designed by Canadian Piano manufacturer Heintzman Pianos in Beijing who exclusively built it for public performances to meet the demands for a large-scale concert.

6. Camera of the Susse brothers.

Dating back to 1839, sold at auction in 2007. It is believed to be the oldest commercially manufactured camera in the world!

7. Black diamond iPhone 5

Designed and crafted by Stuart Hughes, renowned for being the creator of some of the world’s most expensive and luxurious items.


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